The Province of Huaura counts on 12 districts, which are: Ambar, Carquín, Checras, Huacho, Hualmay, Huaura, Leoncio Prado, Paccho, Santa Maria, Santa Leonor, Sayan and Végueta.

Huacho is the capital of the Province of Huaura, this province this located to the north of of the city of Lima; in km 148.

By served during the campaign of independence, Huacho recibio I title of "Fidelisima Villa" by law of the Congress that was promulgated in House of Government, and signed by the President Don Jose of the Sea and Cortázar, the 16 of April of 1828.

Huacho, is a small and colorful coastal city, with calm beaches of fine sand and calm waters; it has extensive malecon and in the port; a great wharf.

Between its known beaches but we have those of Small furnaces, Colorado, the Paraiso, Small Beach, End Saline, Sentry, Inn of Moor, and the Plasterers.(Las de Hornillos, Colorado, El Paraiso, Playa Chica, Punta Salinas, Centinela, Tambo de Mora, y Las Yeseras).


But additionally to its attractive turisticos, Huacho is rich in history, as us it describes ours to it distinguished friend Jose Jorge Nava Pittaluga; who it has sent to us the following material which will be of great illustration for all the one that it wants to know the rich past historical "HUACHO, CAPITAL OF the HOSPITALITY".


Arrival and disembarkation of the Liberating Expedition In the calm bay of Huacho

Huacho is visited daily by great amount of Peruvian and foreign tourists, both to enjoy its pleasant climate, the hospitality of its inhabitants and, to know and to contemplate its calm and beautiful bay that chose general Jose of San Martín, for the disembarkation of the liberating Expedition of the Peru that commanded.

Certainly that general San Martín did not arrive by chance, disembarked in Huacho and bordering beaches because had plans and detailed information that they provided the two expeditions to him made in 1819 by admiral Tomás Alexander Cochrane, that confirmed the news that were had and served to perfect the plans of arrival and disembarkation in strategic places of the coast near Lima; that they served in addition to develop retail maps, and to know the inclination his people and the possibilities to supplying and food political, for not less than six thousand men plus the caballada one who brought.

It was thus, that, when Cochrane in 1819 arrived, the children of this region made all class of sacrifices to offer the support them that needed, leaving almost all the cause of the King, to become lovers of the freedom, with exception of which another neighbor who fled. And when the realists returned to recover the populations, they decreed the hardest punishments against the huachanos, by having been between cooperators, being long the more the list of the sentenced ones to be shot. Those, among others, were the reasons that took to general San Martín to choose to Huacho as the landing place of their troops, to be located, remote well prudencial of Lima and with all the desirable factors to their favor.


10 of November of 1970

The National Commission of the Sesquicentenario of the Independence of the Peru, that presided over Grl. DIV. EP Juan Mendoza Rodriguez, inaugurates the bronze bust of the Generalissimo Jose of San Martín, in the Seat that takes its name and that all we knew erroneously like "the Favor". In that occasion anniversary of the arrival and disembarkation of the Liberating Expedition from Peru to the control of General San Martín remembered 150°. Of the eloquent Speech of Order that was in charge of the Dr Alberto Taurus, that deserved the unanimous applause of the assistants, here some paragraphs:

"It blunted the dawn the 10 of November of 1820, when the laborious settlers of Huacho bet jubilant front to the beach, to contemplate a long awaited event. To short distance the windy silhouettes of the units of Liberating Escuadra stood out in the horizon, to the anchor and with the gathered candles. Some fishermen had to decorate their barquichuelos febrile, to come near until the ships and to offer their services in the eventuality that appeared; perhaps others recognized the maneuvers that took place on board, or listened to isolated voices of control, and waited for the imminent disembarkation of the patriotic forces. Soon the boats were sent and hundreds of soldiers lowered to earth ".

"two months ago the presence of the Liberating Expedition of Peru was well-known in all the valley, thanks to the self-sacrificing emissaries who had arrived with the news of their actions. The armistice and the conversations maintained in Miraflores (24 to 30-IX) were only one delaying stratagem, by means of which it managed to surpass the Virrey the psychological effects of the surprise of the disembarkation of the Expedition, and, in addition, to neutralize the distrust which the patriotic number and the prestancia of the existing ones inspired by the country ".

"Concluded the armistice, a mighty offensive towards the south of Pisco was unfolded, until Is born, to excite the rise of the towns. At the same time, General San Martín mobilized itself in the square (24-X), to soon transfer his headquarters to the north of the capital, locating itself (30-X) in quiet waters of Cove. The square moved towards beaches of Huacho (9-XI) and when in the first hours of the following day (10-XI) it was arranged to disembark to his beaches in front of, the whole population participated massively in the respective operations, offering fresh water and fruits of the Earth to the soldiers, cooperating in the transfer of the artillery pieces if it were necessary ".

"the whole town demonstrated to its adhesion to the freedom, renewing this way its generous services; which also quick during the Spanish dominion. Of which the own Virrey Pezuela had exact knowledge, then, according to it aimed: "the general opinion is that in all the coast, from Chancay to Santa, there are not two dozens of faithful inhabitants to the King".

"But of particular way its decision verified the town of Huacho to work by the freedom, when it rendered assistance to the first expedition commanded by Tomás Alexander Cochrane and it saved it of the damage that in their men could cause the hunger and the thirst".

"In that opportunity, the ships had cast anchor in the island of San Lorenzo and, despite repelling an attack of the outstanding boats from Callao (25-III-1819), they directed its prows towards the north. To the three days they were Huacho as opposed to, and Lord Cochrane sent a message to the garrison commander to give knowledge that did not try to make damage some to the population, only wished to obtain water and food, but the commander Rafael Cevallos Stairs tried to stop the supplying, and imprudent way she had the embargo of the barrels destined for the water, and she even ordered to shoot to two men who demonstrated well-known diligence in the benefit of their services. It was necessary the disembarkation of about 500 men, who protected the initiated operation and punished the abuse unloaded against the town of Huacho. Virtually the inhabitants were united to them and together they traveled towards Huaura, without finding organized resistance ".

"Again they put to sea (5-IV). On the following day the forces arrived at which the opposition armed against the expeditionary ones trusted the Virrey, but in Huacho they did not find a single man, because all had left the town to avoid the retaliation and they were hidden in the countryside or after mounts. They were persecuted in implacable form, catched and put under process; but the action and the effect of the cause were seen with all clarity that in that place, as well as in I knew and Ravine, "must not have been but one that another one without punishment", because they had manisfestado his patriotism in the extreme and inclusively they had had hidden to fugitive of the rigid prisons of the Houses chalacas Bushes, etc ".

"Far from intimidating to this valiant town of Huacho the severity of the punitive measures, its decision was increased to fight by the freedom. Some of their clarified caudillos more had gotten rid of a safe death getting up itself to the expedition of Lord Cochrane, like Andrés of Kings Buitro'n, Francisco de Vidal and Laos, Payer Jose Maria, Cayetano Requena, Frank Juan, Juan Fonseca and Doroteo of the Saints ".

"So that when disembarking in Huacho the Liberating Expedition, knew General San Martín who would act as the catalyst of one old one and signs decision, then, the general will took to forge a democracy based on the fecund work, the dignity protected by the law, and on the freedom that a creator of his own destiny does of the man".


To the disembarkation of San Martín, - general Francisco refers Vidal in his "Memories" -, one appeared before him to give account to him of the entrusted commission, making his available the prisoners, horses and whatever took in I knew, receiving in repayment by its services the rank of Captain Military staff of Peru, when any soldier did not exist still, reason why was declared by own San Martín the "First Soldier of the Peruvian Army in its Independence", which consists in the Daily routine of date 13 of November of 1820.

Don Manuel Salazar and Vicuña, proprietor of the property the Talent, in Huaura, sent to general San Martín like flattery a beautiful white horse, - that accompanied during all his estadía in Peru -, rich harnessed, as well as some refined sugar pylons and barrels of wine, making its available its property and its numerous fortune, that included many tens of slaves.

At that time, Huacho was constituted by hovels of cane and mud, with ceilings of straw and earth ground, in addition that everything was very expensive, like review the Paroissien aide-de-camp, reason why San Martín marched to Huaura day 18, arriving at I knew the 19. When knowing itself the news the game of Huacho, a multitude of people concentrated itself the headquarters in front of, suplicando to general San Martín whom the place did not leave, and offering to make all class of sacrifices if it remained. In summary, general San Martín remained in Huacho five days, between 13 and 18 of November of 1820.


After the ceremony of inauguration of the bust to General San Martín in the seat of its name the 10 of November of 1970, when commemorating itself 150° anniversary of the arrival and disembarkation of the Liberating Expedition that commanded General San Martín, was left so solitary that the traveling salesmen daily tied their cords to the neck of the even Liberator thus to be able to arm their provisional stores, forgetting to us, that the great Captain of the $andes, sacrificed everything, to teach the right to us to govern us by we ourself, based on the sovereign will of the towns.

But that is already history passed from the 10 of November of year 2000, because that day the Dr Guillermo Reeves Omen, reelecto Provincial mayor of Huaura, inaugurated the remodelada Seat San Martín with the pedestre figure of Santo of the sword.

The Speech of Order - in the inauguration ceremony -, was in charge of Mr. President of the Sanmartiniano Institute of Peru, Ing. Manuel To de Ingunza Simonetti. Here some fragments:

"Mr. Dr. Guillermo Reeves Omen, Provincial Mayor of Huaura-Huacho: Desire to refer me particularly to one of its better works, by which the citizenship of Huacho in individual and of Peru in general, to him will be been thankful eternally. It is remodelada Seat San Martín, to that the greater tribute is acceded by embellished streets, in which it will be exposed from today, for admiration of the generations, the pedestre statue of the Liberator of our Mother country and Generalissimo of his arms Don Jose of San Martín and Matorras, meaning than it has surrendered to him at national level, in the year of the sesquicentenario of his death, that as we know, happened the 17 of August of 1850 in the city of the Boulogne-south-Mer, near Paris ".

"Still it has been seeming to me to be pronouncing my speech, in this same place for a year, when I demanded to the authorities the rescue of that huge event that meant the arrival to its destiny of the Liberating expedition commanded by the great Captain of the $andes, 10 of November of 1820, 180 years ago, then, until the last year its importance was diminished until happening unnoticed. It seems as if the fact that the settlers of these earth did not have the smaller meaning, had given everything what they had, including its own children, so that the patriotic triumph and with it was possible the freedom of Peru and Spanish America ".

"a year has passed only, and now we returned to verify that, like by miracle, it has happened a total transformation and today we have the immense satisfaction to accompany it and to applaud it, in the inauguration of this beautiful Seat San Martín and the magnificent monument that thanked for Huacho dedicates to our Liberator, thanks to its tenacity and persistence to him to obtain what it did not happen in the 180 passed years, since the Army of liberation disembarked in the bay of Huacho and adjacent places, to undertake the final stage of the Independence of Peru".

"Huacho can feel proud of its sanmartiniano historical past with this important public work, that it will motivate the pride of his population and the admiration of his visitors".

"As he shows of the recognition that I finish declaring to him, the Directive Council of the Sanmartiniano Institute that I honor myself in presiding over, has decided to incorporate it like his Member of Honor and to decorate it with his" Sanmartiniana Medal ", due to exceptional served to his community and to the Mother country".

Let us love Huacho, blessed ground, where the ideals of the Freedom are seen skillfully fulfilled by that Pleiad of men who from Mexico to the River of the Silver dedicated their thought, its action and the sacrifice of their lives, so that this ideal becomes the Supreme Reality of the towns of this continent, subjects for many years to the foreign domination.

As Peruvian and like huachanos we must always pay the greatest tribute to our Liberator who straightened up over his detractors, with heroic silence and its generous pardon. It knew to overcome the time that is myopic and stingy and to gain the eternity that turned it one of the highest symbols of our America.




Web site created on march 30 of 2005.
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